Using deceit to defend oneself against a deadly or injurious vaccine weapon is no different than defending oneself against an intruder that aims to possibly kill or harm you. She had every right to protect herself and others!!

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I'm mostly in favor of the people who want to survive this war.

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Echoing Barry's famous tweet, "I just tested positive for unvaccinated. My heart is a healthy size and so is the lining of my heart. I haven't had any illnesses the whole time I've avoided the jab, and I'm feeling fine otherwise. My family and I are grateful to not be vaxxxed or boosted, and none of us have been ill at all. It's a reminder to not get jabbed, even as cases get gaslighted".

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I sure don’t blame her for using fake vax papers. Her health and heart are more at risk with this vaccine than covid ever could have been. Glad to see she’s raised by a smart family with good health choices. Too bad more families didn’t stand up to this vax.

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I'm lucky enough to be at a nice point of F*CK YOU in life where I don't need a job a jab or anything else. But ALL PEOPLE IN ALL COUNTRIES MUST RISE UP AGAINST THE GENOCIDAL MANIACS who are out to liquidate most of human race. Before it's too late.

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At least we won't see her suddenly dropping dead on the tennis court. I'm opposed to lying however, myself and others have made the hard decision and taken the consequences of not getting jabbed. My entire family is also jab free.

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Why is this still a thing......she shouldn't even have to.....anyway, viva, Italia!!!!!!

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The virgin Mary or the silent movie? The movie is 1 of my personal favorites of all time.

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With Italy’s new PM Meloni, who is totally against the covid mandates, hopefully will step in and clear any charges.

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I left my home of Hawaii in May 2021 because of the medical tyranny of vaccine passports. In January 2022 I returned to care for my home and got a fake vaccine card so I could go out to dinner.

Anyone who provided fake vaccine cards is a hero in my book.

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I’m from Hawaii too. It’s so disheartening how compliant the people are here. Many still wearing masks and still getting vaccinated. During the vax pass tyranny, my family and I (all 7 of us unvaccinated) decided to dig our heels in and not participate in the segregationist society. We held parties with friends, discovered how to cook our favorite restaurant dishes and lived our lives our happy unjabbed lives.

I for one am happy that people like this young tennis player made their fake vax cards! The government had NO RIGHT or NO BUSINESS barging through the doors of our personal medical lives and decisions and pointing a gun or poison needle at us. She and her family were prepared to defend themselves.

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no hero in my book. You played along instead of standing true and strong.

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Before my adult child was able to obtain a fake vax card to fullfill her company's illegal mandate for employment, we planned to travel to a very conservative town & find a location where the nurse or person giving the shots would squirt it into a trash can for $1000 cash. Thankfully, it never came to that. But we needed to buy time. I was confident the full truth about the shots would come out. And it has.

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If we had all been as cowardly, we would still be under mandates.

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I wish more people would think long and hard about this. If we all had put our collective foot down in the very beginning, things would never have progressed this far.

Here is an EXCELLENT essay by Canadian writer Susan Dunham. It's a MUST READ.



The battlefield is still warm, following Canada’s war on the unvaccinated. The mandates have let up, and both sides stumble back into something that looks like the old normal — except that there is a fresh and present injury done to the people we tried to break. And no one wants to talk about it.

Only weeks ago, it was the admitted goal of our own leaders to make life unlivable for the unvaccinated. And as a deputized collective, we force-multiplied that pain, taking the fight into our families, friendships, and workplaces. Today, we face the hard truth that none of it was justified — and, in doing that, uncover a precious lesson.

It was a quick slide from righteousness to cruelty, and however much we might blame our leaders for the push, we’re accountable for stepping into the trap despite better judgement.

We knew that waning immunity put vast numbers of the fully vaccinated on par with the shrinking minority of unvaccinated, yet we marked them for special persecution. We said they hadn’t “done the right thing” by turning their bodies over to state care — even though we knew that principled opposition to such a thing is priceless in any circumstance. And we truly let ourselves believe that going into another ineffectual lockdown would be their fault, not the fault of toxic policy.

And so it was by the wilful ignorance of science, civics, and politics that we squeezed the unvaccinated to the degree that we did.

We invented a new rubric for the good citizen and — failing to be one ourselves — took pleasure in scapegoating anyone who didn’t measure up. After months of engineered lockdowns, having someone to blame and to burn simply felt good.

So we cannot hold our heads high, as if believing we had logic, love, or truth on our side while we viciously wished death upon the unvaccinated. The best we can do is sit in the awareness of our rabid inhumanity for having cast so many aside.

Most of us who pilloried the noncompliant did it because it seemed like certain victory, like the unvaccinated would never make it through unbroken. Indeed, the promised new normal looked unbeatable, so we sided with it and made punching bags out of the holdouts.

But betting against them has been a scathing embarrassment for many of us who’ve now learned that the mandates only had the power we gave them. It was not through quiet compliance that we avoided endless domination by pharmaceutical companies and medical checkpoints at every doorway. It was thanks to the people we tried to tear down.

So for those of us not among the hopeless few that pray for the return of mandates, we might find some inner gratitude for the unvaccinated. We took the bait by hating them, but their perseverance bought us the time to see we were wrong.

It seems right now like the mandates will return, but this time there’s hope that more of us will see them for what they are: a rising authoritarianism that has no concern for our wellbeing. If there’s an enemy, it’s the confidence game of state power and the transparent attempt to tear us apart. Heeding that looks like our best shot at redemption.


By Susan Dunham

IG: @susankaydunham

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QUOTE: "If we all had put our collective foot down in the very beginning, things would never have progressed this far."

Absolute 100% TRUTH.

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Very few even thought to resist, so different forms of resistance are more important than purity of purpose.

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I do blame her. She is a coward.

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But she's not going to "suddenly die" so there's that. I'm sure she wouldn't care what you think.

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Of course she doesn't care what I think! But for anyone who is on the fence about what to do, I encourage them to ignore the weak and self-centered people who lie about getting the jab. We would be using digital passports everywhere and still under mandates except for the courageous, the stubborn, and the independent thinkers of society.

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but she convinced a lot of Italian kids to take the death jab. I suppose she doesn't care whether they get myocarditis and die.

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Eat sh*t and die weirdo.

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Victoria has a point.

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You must have done the same thing and are now feeling convicted. No reason to cuss at me. Your lack of gumption ain't my fault.

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Ummm how about no. I just didn't let these homicidal assholes shoot me up with their poison goo. But you please go ahead. All commie freaks should do it.

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Wanting people to hurt themselves means you are a drag on society, Bub.

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Pureblood versus Dirtyblood~~~Who is next?...Tick tock...

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Still waiting for this complete list of famous people and celebrities that took a fake shot, unless it's buried like Epstein's list. The handlers are probably using it for blackmail purposes- play nice or else.

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What about Kim Pegula Mrs. Buffalo Bills who had a “medical emergency” in July in Boca Raton. She was in intensive care and the family who is worth 70 billion dollars is requesting privacy 🤣 OF COURSE. The latest “update” that I could find today is that is “progressing well”. The Bills were the FIRST NFL team to require anyone attending a game to a “vaccine” card.

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In my opinion, she is the worst of the worst. Why didn't she speak out like Novak did? Lying about something she knows could be deadly and not telling others is thoughtless, selfish, and unforgiving. She could have saved lifes of Italian children who took the shots in order to play sports. But no, she lied and children died. I have no respect for her or others like her. My husband was suspended from his job, we were forbidden entry into every place in Italy except the supermarket. She could have been a hero and spoke out, but she is a lying coward, the worse kind.

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